Total individuals: 1,252
Total males Total females Total living Total dead
657 595 257 995
Males - 52.5%, Females - 47.5% Living - 20.5%, Dead - 79.5%

Total births Total deaths
996 506
Births by century Deaths by century
Births by century Deaths by century
Earliest birth Earliest death
Olivier Lucas
Birth 1548
Suzanne André
Birth 1553
Death 1609 ‎(Age 56)‎
Latest birth Latest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. Roger Georges Henri Richard
Birth July 8, 1951 Male36 Female36 Tregunc, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Death January 23, 2016 ‎(Age 64)‎ Tregunc, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Average age at death Males Females
53 years 52 years 53 years
Average age related to death century

Greatest age at death
Males Females

Total surnames Total given names
319 479
Top surnames Top given names
Le Gal - 165, Rault - 53, Poulichet - 48, Mahé - 42, Hinault - 40, Other - 904 Marie - 298, Jean - 120, Jeanne - 112, François - 81, Françoise - 77, Louis - 66, Anne - 60, Other - 438