Birth January 18, 1849 Male30 Female30
Birth of a brother 1850 ‎(Age 11 months)‎
Death of a paternal grandmother 1852 ‎(Age 2)‎
Birth of a brother July 26, 1853 ‎(Age 4)‎
Birth of a brother September 18, 1855 ‎(Age 6)‎
Birth of a brother 1860 ‎(Age 10)‎
Birth of a sister January 27, 1863 ‎(Age 14)‎
Death of a maternal grandfather November 17, 1866 ‎(Age 17)‎
Death of a father August 29, 1877 ‎(Age 28)‎
Death of a mother September 14, 1890 ‎(Age 41)‎